Saturday 30 October 2010

Problems during filming.

There was a huge problem while first filming our teaser trailer. As we are a small budget company we did not have the right apparatus to make a dull college look like something out of Hollywood, or to make the college look like a conventional high school in an American production. Looking at most British horror films there are not many which are situated in a school or college, and many of them are parodies and spooks of American movies out of Hollywood.
When researching into the British horror movies the best movies which came out of this genre were ‘Sweeny Todd’, ‘Eden Lake’ and ’28 Days later’, these films did not fall into the genre in which we wanted to be part of.
The following films all have big budgets and as they were filmed in Britain, we didn’t want to take away the old and drearily London which British horror films portray London to be. This is why we didn’t want to use the class rooms, which we initially wanted to use as a location, but instead have opted to use a studio and one classroom but we are going to transform it, to make it not look like one.
Sweeny Todd – the way London is conveyed here, makes it look like it is very dull and a scary place to live in. before the era of Sweeny Todd, stories such as Jack the Ripper have kept London alive with a murderess temperament, which is why the British college didn’t work, as it didn’t have the same dull presence, unlike the set of Sweeny Todd.

We also had many problems with making the college look like it was part of a horror film, we could have played on this as we could have made it seem scarier and more thrilling for the audience, as they think that it such a normal situation that they would be more frightened. However this was not the case, as it looked like we were making a spoof film or a comedy film.
Other problems that arose were the noise level in the college while trying to film. We tried our best to use the college atmosphere and incorporate it into our teaser trailer but it just wasn’t working. We tried to increase tension by using hand held shots and steadi cam, but we kept on losing focus. The lights we were using kept on reflecting off the walls and on the windows, which gave it an unprofessional look.

The image to the right shows how modern the setting was, and this wouldn’t of worked as a good trailer, as most modern films people expect a lot of excitement from them and we don’t have the budget for a huge horror film.
We have decided to keep the name of the teaser trailer ‘Satan’s Mistress’, and just shoot something which is quick and effective. We looked at possible ideas, and we came up with the idea of using witch craft and hoo-doo. We thought this could work better, as some people are very superstitious and this could have a good affect on them.
While watching certain witch craft films, your mind over runs you, although you know there is a high chance that it isn’t real, you always have the doubt and the conscious that it could be true.  

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